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Latest Member Image : Pickering’s Triangle

Pickering’s Triangle, also known as Pickering’s Triangular Wisp, is a fascinating part of the Cygnus Loop, the remains of a supernova explosion that occurred 10 –15 thousand years ago. It was discovered photographically in 1904 by Williamina Fleming at the Harvard Observatory, although the credit went to the observatory’s director, Edward Charles Pickering – a process that happened all too often then. The Triangle is a complex network of shimmering filaments and expanding gas…

Two Galaxies From Far, Far Away….

G’day! I write this from far, far away in the hot centre of Australia at the sacred Aboriginal site of Uluru. Low humidity and lack of light, make Uluru one of the best stargazing spots in the world. The night sky south of the equator is a different view of the universe than we have in Cornwall. For instance, the constellation Orion that we see in our wintertime can also be seen down under…