Sh2-129 Squid Nebula (HOO with RGB stars) by Barry Trudgian
NGC 3031 – M81
Taken over three night during 2021 and 2022. Celestron 9.25 EHD @ f/7 74×600 sec subs using a QHY268C camera through an Optolong L-pro Filter. By Dean Aston
NGC7000 Cygnus Wall
NGC7000 Cygnus Wall by Dean Ashton
NGC6992 – Eastern Veil
NGC6992 – Eastern Veil. 1.5 hours each of Ha and O3. By Barry Trudgian
Takahashi FSQ-ED 106 f/5
Camera: SBIG STL-11000
Mount: Paramount PME
Filters: LRGB
Exposure: 11 x 300sec Bin 1×1, 5 x 300 sec in the Blue, 9 x 180 sec in the Green and 7 x 300 sec in the Red RGB all 2×2 bin. Dark Subtracted, Flat fielded
By Nick Tonkin
NGC 6888
The Crescent Nebula 2nd attempt. The first was back in June 2021. This one has 16hrs over 6 nights from July to September. By Barry Trudgian