Category: Our Next Meeting

Next Meeting: 18th July

Image Credit: SockPuppetForTomruen, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Tonight kicks of with a ‘What’s Up’ for the next 30 days and a short overview of our club trip to the NLO last month. The main talk for the evening will be Frank on the subject of ‘Historical Transits’ . After the tea break Roy will give us his 10-Minute talk on ‘Mars Missions’

Next Meeting: 20, June-Summercourt

Image Credit: STScI The next meeting of Kernow Astronomers is on Thursday 20, June at the Summercourt Memorial Hall. Gather at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start. Supernovas are the explosions that happen when a star runs out of enough fuel to support it against its own crushing gravity. When stars explode they are some of the brightest and most violent astronomical events known. In tonights talk Nigel will be exploring the different types of…

Next Meeting: May 16th – Summercourt

EAA, or Electronically Assisted Astronomy is an ever increasing popular way to do Astronomy. While it uses a camera to make observations, it’s not astrophotography and because you are not looking through an eyepiece, you don’t need to be at the telescope to do it.  Nick will give an overall view on what EAA is and how you can simply and relatively cheaply use your existing go-to telescope- no matter what kind it is…

Next Meeting: March 21st – Summercourt

Image Credit: US Airforce Dan’s talk will be on Aurora. He will start with what the aurora actually are , i.e. the reactions with charged particles with different elements in the atmosphere and how the magnetosphere channels them. He’ll  then move onto solar events that release them and why they like equinoxes. He’ll also describe how other phenomena, that look like aurora, are formed.  We meet at 19:00 for a 19:30 kickoff

March 7th: Trevarrian

This evening will be a Solar Observing hands on practical for using and making equipment to prepare for  what will hopefully be an increased Solar activity during 2024 and beyond. Also, our resident Solar imaging wizzo, Nigel will show how he processes his wonderful Hα solar images. Meet 19:00 for a 19:30 kick off.

February 15: Summercourt

The next meeting of Kernow Astronomers is on Thursday 15, February at the Summercourt memorial Hall. Gather at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start. Tonight Nick will be discussing one of the most popular free desktop planetaria – Stellarium. Most users never get beyond the default setup, so Nick will show you a number of options that will maximize your usage and enjoyment from this software. Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your…