Category: External Events

9,July: Tretherras School Newquay

We have another observing event for you. This time it’s organised by Tretherras School, Newquay and we have been asked to help out with a few scopes.The event is open to everyone (even if you don’t have a child at the the school ) and kicks off at 16:30 on 9, July. PLEASE NOTE: The 2, July date on the poster above has been cancelled due to a terrible weather forecast. The back up…

Sun & Stars: 20, April – Carnewas

The first of this years Sun & Stars events held on 20th, April. These events , are always, is dependant on clear skies, but this evening we got lucky. Lots of visitors were able to observe spot activity on the surface of the Sun and then watch Jupiter set as more and more of its Moons appeared as darkness fell. Thanks as always, thanks to the National Trust for allowing us to use their…

January 17th: : Tretherras School Newquay

We have another observing event for you. This time it’s organised by Tretherras School, Newquay and we have been asked to help out with a few scopes.The event is open to everyone (even if you don’t have a child at the the school ) and kicks off at 17:00 on 17 January.Click the link below for full location information:

Sun & Stars 5, October

The last of this years Sun & Stars events. The forecast is for this afternoon and evening is not looking at all promising. 25mph winds – gusting 40mph, lots of cloud with possibly a few clear gaps in between. A few of us will be there from about 15:30 if you fancy a lucky dip on the off chance there are a few gaps in the cloud. Click the link below for full location…