Yearly archives: 2025

Sun and Stars – 8th March: Carnewas

The second of this years Sun & Stars events. The event, as always, is dependant on clear skies, but this evening we hope to be able to see sunspot activity on the surface of the Sun before it sets. As the skies darken, we will be able to observe a 1% illuminated crescent Venus followed by Jupiter and her moons. followed by Mars and a waxing gibbous Moon as they pass through the meridian….

Our Next Meeting – 16th, January: Summercourt

For our main talk for this evening, Nick will be demonstrating Skytools 4 – Planning software that few astronomers have heard of. Rather than end up looking at the same tired old Messiers you’ve seen multiple times, Skytools will access nearly every astronomical database out there and based on your location, your chosen observing time – now or in the future, what will look good through the equipment you own and the sky conditions…