The press are calling C/2023 A3, ‘Comet of the century’ A slight exaggeration perhaps, but it is certainly the best we have seen since C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) back in 2020.

This is the view you get if you look towards the West for the next couple of weeks. The markings show date ( sorry, only available in American Month, then Day format) and the best optimum viewing time.
C/2023 A3 is now at a visual mag of 3.5, but getting fainter by a mag of 1 every few days now. We are not quite at peak observation yet, that comes on the 26th, when, while it will be fainter, it will be higher in the sky when the airmass and darkness conditions are more favourable.

Below is an ephemeris table showing the best observing windows for the 4 weeks starting on the 19th, October.

This Comet is best viewed with a pair of binoculars with a FOV of 5 degrees or wider.
Graphics Credit: Skytools 4.1