Category: Our Next Meeting

Our Next Meeting – 20th, February: Summercourt

Image Credir: Carsten Jonas The main talk of the evening will be given by Dr Daniel Moore will be: An introduction to meteorites – our personal connection to space. Meteorites provide a tantalising link to our solar system that we can hold in our hands. But where do they come from? Where are they found? Are they all the same? In this talk, Daniel will provide an introduction to meteorites and answer some of…

Our Next Meeting – 16th, January: Summercourt

For our main talk for this evening, Nick will be demonstrating Skytools 4 – Planning software that few astronomers have heard of. Rather than end up looking at the same tired old Messiers you’ve seen multiple times, Skytools will access nearly every astronomical database out there and based on your location, your chosen observing time – now or in the future, what will look good through the equipment you own and the sky conditions…

Our Next Meeting – 19th, December: Summercourt

A Christmas jumper and mince pie meeting. Bring either of these along for our last meeting of 2024. There is no formal programme arranged, but it would be good to listen to members thoughts on how they thought their astronomy went during 2024. Where there any observing or imaging highlights of the year that you enjoyed. Did you read any good books or view a Youtube that you really liked and wish to share…

Our Next Meeting: 21, November – Summercourt

It’s that time of year again folks. QUIZ NIGHT. Surprisingly one of our most popular club events at this time of year! Now’s the time to dig out your old copy of Trivial Pursuit and brush up on your general knowledge. We meet at 19:00 for a 19:30 Kick-off. Meeting Leaders Frank and Phil

Our Next Meeting: 3rd, October – Trevarrian

The first of this years practical club nights taking place on the 1st Thursday of every month until March next year. The emphasis of each meeting is to get out under the stars with our scopes ( so please bring yours along with you) and do some observing. If the weather doesn’t play ball, we will be arranging some observing or imaging techniques to enhance your practical skills. Kick off is at 19:00 for…

Our Next Meeting: 19, September – Summercourt

There are three talks tonight. Mike will be discussing ‘Features on the Moon’ , where he will touch on a few of the surface features, as well as aiming to present other aspects that are less well known; eg, why the Moon has a ‘lumpy’ gravitational field and what the implications are. This will be followed by two shorter talks on ‘NASA Unmanned Missions’ and ‘Space Stations’ by Heather and Charles respectively.