New Pixinsight Processing Workflows

We have two images for you today. Both were processed, by one of our members Dean – you’ve seen his work here before. The image is of two objects, one embedded within the other. The coloured clouds of dust and gas is IC410 a diffuse nebula being illuminated (ionised) by hot bright young stars and NGC1893, known as an open star cluster – basically a close grouping of stars at the centre of the…

Sun & Stars 5, October

The last of this years Sun & Stars events. The forecast is for this afternoon and evening is not looking at all promising. 25mph winds – gusting 40mph, lots of cloud with possibly a few clear gaps in between. A few of us will be there from about 15:30 if you fancy a lucky dip on the off chance there are a few gaps in the cloud. Click the link below for full location…

It’s Dark, that’s what’s the Matter! 

Two of the most distant galaxies seen to date are captured in these Webb pictures of the outer regions of the giant galaxy cluster Abell 2744. cience credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, and Tiger Hsiao (Johns Hopkins University). Image processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI). As astronomers we are always looking for clear dark skies so we can better see the stars, planets, moons, comets, nebulae, galaxies and any other weird and wonderful things and stuff…