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Sun and Stars – 9th November: Carnewas

EVENT UPDATE. Looking at the cloud forecast, a decision has just been made to cancel the Sun & Stars event tonight. Exact location details are as follows Google Maps: What3Words: ///

Bad luck heading our way in 2029? 

The fear of the number 13, known as triskaidekaphobia, ties into the asteroid Apophis’s close Earth approach on Friday, April 13, 2029. Despite no collision risk, Apophis’s proximity provides an unprecedented chance for scientific study, offering insights into planetary defense and the solar system’s early composition, observed by global space agencies….

Our Next Meeting: 3rd, October – Trevarrian

The first of this years practical club nights taking place on the 1st Thursday of every month until March next year. The emphasis of each meeting is to get out under the stars with our scopes ( so please bring yours along with you) and do some observing. If the weather doesn’t play ball, we will be arranging some observing or imaging techniques to enhance your practical skills. Kick off is at 19:00 for…

Latest Member Image

Sh2-129 Squid Nebula (HOO with RGB stars) from multiple nights in 2022. 29hrs of data gathered. Some of it very difficult to process as the ZWO 7 Nm OIII filter allowed the brightest stars to bloat horribly. The blue nebulosity behind those bright stars has been lost in the processing. I am making a case, to myself, for the purchase of an Astrodon 3Nm OIII filter because I have other targets whose data could…

Back to the cosmological drawing board?

Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, B. Robertson (UC Santa Cruz), B. Johnson (CfA), S. Tacchella (Cambridge), P. Cargile (CfA). Generally, we are all a nosy bunch. Since 1950 many people have loved being flies on the walls in Ambridge to hear the drama and gossip of several families in The Archers that don’t actually exist. The genealogical roots of many celebrities have been investigated with a fine tooth comb over the years in…

Our Next Meeting: 19, September – Summercourt

There are three talks tonight. Mike will be discussing ‘Features on the Moon’ , where he will touch on a few of the surface features, as well as aiming to present other aspects that are less well known; eg, why the Moon has a ‘lumpy’ gravitational field and what the implications are. This will be followed by two shorter talks on ‘NASA Unmanned Missions’ and ‘Space Stations’ by Heather and Charles respectively.