Category: All

February 15: Summercourt

The next meeting of Kernow Astronomers is on Thursday 15, February at the Summercourt memorial Hall. Gather at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start. Tonight Nick will be discussing one of the most popular free desktop planetaria – Stellarium. Most users never get beyond the default setup, so Nick will show you a number of options that will maximize your usage and enjoyment from this software. Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your…

February 1st: Trevarrian

Tonight’s meeting will be a basic image processing workshop. Phil will give a quick demo of both lunar/planetary and deep sky image processing using basic, free software: Registax, Deep Sky Stacker and Gimp. You will then all be able to have a go yourselves. Bring along your own laptops and download the above software before you come along, if you can. Phil will have copies of the software on USB sticks, along with some…

Do you come(t) here often?

Comet Hale-Bopp

Image Credit : ESO/E. Slawik If I asked you to name the most famous comet, I would put my money on you replying “Halley’s Comet.” Comets are huge lumps of dust, rock, gas and ice that exist in the massive Oort Cloud in the outer reaches of our solar system way out past Pluto. Some of these objects are gradually pulled in by the Sun’s gravity and, according to NASA, the number of known…

January 18th: : Summercourt

We have two short talks for you.  Noel will talking about Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin and one of the most important discoveries in the history of astronomy. The second will be Mark with a short history of the Calendar. Image: By Smithsonian Institution/Science Service, restored by Adam Cuerden – Air and Space Museum online gallery, Public Domain,

January 17th: : Tretherras School Newquay

We have another observing event for you. This time it’s organised by Tretherras School, Newquay and we have been asked to help out with a few scopes.The event is open to everyone (even if you don’t have a child at the the school ) and kicks off at 17:00 on 17 January.Click the link below for full location information:

Next Meeting: 4, January: Trevarrian

With all the new telescopes that have arrived over Christmas, we will be holding another evening where you can bring your new scope for some help and advice of setting it up. We have also received a number of requests on how to set up an equatorial mount for visual observing as well as some users whose go-to mounts are not pointing to targets as well as they expect, so we’ll help them troubleshoot…